I knew that I must do my best to drive on the left side and keep the same speed with the others, but my arms was stiff. 我心里明白,我必须尽力行驶在左侧并与其他车辆保持同速,可我双臂僵硬。
Along one side of the field the whole wain went, the arms of the mechanical reaper revolving slowly, till it passed down the hill quite out of sight. 机器战车沿着麦地的一边向前开动,机器割麦子的手臂慢慢转动着,一直开过了山坡,完全从眼前消失了。
And I bribed the man to bury me there when I die, next to her, and to take the side of my coffin away too, so that I shall have her in my arms, not Edgar! 我还收买了那个人,等我死后把我埋在那儿,埋在她旁边,我也要把我棺材的一面去掉,这样我就可以搂着她了,艾加不能!
He did not hit the right room directly, she motioned me to admit him, but he found it out ere I could reach the door, and in a stride or two was at her side, and had her grasped in his arms. 他并没有马上发现应该走进哪间屋子:她示意要我接他进来,可是我还没走到门口,他已经找到了,而且大步走到她身边,把她搂在自己怀里了。
Both side of a same single post can be also provided with two arms; thus, the basketball stand is an integral weld structure. 单柱、双臂篮球架即利用同一单桩,在另侧同一高度焊接之一单臂而成,其结构与上述相同;
As shown in the side view above, both angle extrusion arms are situated flush with the bottom of the Axle mount. 作为显示在侧视图以上,既角挤压武器是位于桥齐平的底部安装。
The quiet streets stretched out on either side like the arms of a skeleton. 静静的街道从两旁延伸出来,好象骷髅伸着两只枯臂。
The A side of the frog swims a side to think and seeing to today hoped and also swim what? Think like this, the arms and legs more and more coulds not row. 青蛙A边游边想,看来今天是没希望了,还游什么呢?这样想着,四肢越来越划不动了。
With your hands and arms at your side and the ball firmly under the attacking arms armpit. 手和手臂垂于体侧,球牢靠地置于攻击手腋下。
People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. 靠侧躺,双手由胸前向外伸展。这种类型的人一方面有开放性,另一方面则多疑,并愤世嫉俗。
Hands can be to the side or in front of the body, or stretch the arms back behind the body; 双手可以放在体侧或放在体前,或手臂向后背方向伸展;
Esme was at my side in half a heartbeat, swinging me up easily into her arms, and dashing up the stairs before I could gasp in shock. 只是心跳半拍的瞬间,艾思梅就已经站到了我身旁。她轻轻松松地把我抱在怀里,跃上了楼梯,我甚至来不及因为震惊而大口大口地喘气。
The screws in the side arms are used for adjusting the angle of the base. 而在侧边支撑的螺丝则是用来调整基座的角度。
They all carried side arms. 他们都佩带着随身武器。
Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. 树干睡姿的姿势是这样的:身体靠一边平躺,双臂位于身体两侧。
They still held him to the bed, but he could move his knees a little and could turn his head from side to side and raise his arms from the elbow. 他仍给绑在床上,不过膝盖可以稍作移动,脑袋可以左右转动,从手肘以下,可以举起手来。
Movement is based on the activities of tiny dynein side arms that extend from one of the microtubules of each doublet. 纤毛或鞭毛从细胞表面的基体出生长,双微管的动力蛋白臂从一侧延伸到另一侧而引起运动。
She had a chic way of tossing her head to one side, and holding her arms as if for action& not listlessly. 她那把头甩向一侧,摆好双臂像是要做动作的姿势非常潇洒,显得精神十足。
Potential side effects of GH include the development of diabetes, bone pain, swelling of the arms and legs, abnormal bone growth, and carpal tunnel syndrome. 生长激素可能的副作用包括发生糖尿病,骨痛,四肢肿胀,反常的骨生长和腕骨隧道徵候群。
The swinging movement in long jump mainly includes swinging of leg, the stretching of hip at swinging leg's side, the swing of arms etc. 跳远的摆动动作主要包括摆动腿的摆动、摆动腿侧髋的前送、两臂的摆动等动作。
Build arms trade network: country-node relationship between arms imports and exports between the countries to have the edge, as the network side of the transfer of the amount of weight, build arms trade network matrix for the next social network analysis. 武器贸易关系网络的构建:以国家为节点,国家之间的武器进出口关系为有向边,转让量作为网络中边的权值,构建武器贸易网络矩阵,用于下一步的社会网络分析。